The Pensions Authority


The Pensions Authority is responsible for overseeing the administration of pension schemes and the protection of pension rights for people living in Ireland.

The Authority is the regulatory body for occupational pension schemes and Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs) and certain Retirement Annuity Contracts (RACs). It also has a role in the development of pension policy in general.

The Pensions Authority provides information for pension providers and for the general public.

A separate Pensions Council advises the Minister for Social Protection on matters relating to policy on pensions and protect the consumer interest.

What does the Pensions Authority do?

The main functions of the Pensions Authority include:

  • Providing information and guidance to members and trustees of pension schemes
  • Encouraging people to take part in pension schemes and to provide for retirement
  • Checking that pension schemes follow the law and investigating potential breaches of the Act
  • Monitoring defined benefit schemes to make sure sufficient funds are available to meet the needs of members
  • Approving PRSAs with the Revenue Commissioners
  • Keeping a public register of PRSAs and their providers
  • Monitoring the operation of pensions legislation and pensions developments generally
  • Issuing guidelines on the duties and responsibilities of trustees
  • Advising the Minister for Social Protection on pension matters

Pension information services

The Pensions Authority website,, provides information on understanding your pension. It has useful resources including a pension calculator, budget planner, investment risk profiler and a glossary of pension terms. You can select options that match your general circumstances to get relevant information for your situation.

Making a complaint about a pension provider or scheme

The Pensions Authority can help you if you are concerned about the operation of your PRSA or occupational pension scheme.

If you have a complaint about your pension that you are unable to resolve with your PRSA provider (or, in the case of occupational pensions with your employer, pension administrator or trustees), then you can contact the Pensions Authority for advice and assistance.

The Pensions Authority can:

  • Act on behalf of pension scheme members and PRSA contributors who have concerns about their pension or PRSA
  • Investigate the status and conduct of an occupational pension scheme
  • Prosecute for breaches of the Pensions Acts
  • Take court action against trustees for the protection of members and their rights.

The Pensions Authority has information on making a complaint about pensions.


Pensions Authority

Verschoyle House
28-30 Lower Mount Street
Dublin 2

Tel: (01) 613 1900
Page edited: 19 July 2022