Worksheet on calculating your redundancy payment


You can use a redundancy calculator on to estimate your statutory redundancy entitlements.

Date your employment terminates
(for example, 30 June 2021) ------------

Date you started work
(for example, 1 April 2011) --------------

Number of full years' service
(for example, 10 years) --------------

Number of days in part of a year's service
(total of days in every incomplete year worked
for example, 1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021 = 3 months = 91 days) ---------------

Deduct any non-reckonable service
(see Redundancy payments for details
for example, 30 weeks' sick leave in 2012, 4 weeks is
non-reckonable. 4 weeks = 28 days) ----------------

Total of the days in a part year as percentage of a year
(for example, 63 ÷ 365 x 100 = 17.26%) ----------------

Total amount of service
(for example, 10.17 years) ----------------

Amount of your normal weekly pay
(gross pay, that is, before tax and PRSI deducted
for example, €700, ceiling on weekly pay is €600) ----------------

Statutory redundancy lump sum payment due
(2 weeks' pay for each year of service + one extra week
for example, 2 weeks x 10.17 = 20.34 + 1 week = 21.34 weeks.
Example lump sum due is €12.804 (€600 x 21.34) ----------------

You can see examples of redundancy calculations on

Page edited: 10 January 2023