Buying goods

  • Find out about your rights when you buy something in a shop.

  • You have strong consumer righrs when you shop online. Find out more about your online shopping rights.

  • Find out about your consumer rights when you buy something from a doorstep seller

  • Read more about your new rights when you buy from an online marketplace.

  • Find out about your rights when you buy a gift voucher.

  • Find out about your consumer rights if you have a problem with goods you bought in a shop or online.

  • Find out about your rights and rules around credit notes.

  • This page explains your rights and some of the most common consumer problems with late or non-delivery, items damaged or lost and additional costs.

  • A deposit is a sum of money paid to a retailer or supplier of services to indicate that you intend to buy a product or service. Find out more about deposits and your rights.

  • Find out about your rights when you buy tickets for events such as concerts or matches including when an event is postponed or cancelled.

  • A commercial guarantee or warranty can provide you with additional protection if something goes wrong with a product. A warranty or guarantee does not replace your statutory rights.

  • Find out about changes to your consumer rights when buying online from the UK after Brexit.

  • There are rules in the EU and Ireland to ensure products are safe to use. This document explains product bans, mandatory safety standards and product recalls.

  • Consumers in Ireland and the EU are protected from false or misleading advertising. Find out what the rules are covering advertising and who monitors and enforces those rules.
    This document is in: Advertising and promotions

  • Find out about how to check whether a company has gone out of business and whether you can claim money owed to you.
    This document is in: Buying services

  • There are EU and Irish rules on the information that product labels must show. Find out the rules that apply to manufacturers and how your rights are protected.
    This document is in: Advertising and promotions