- Health services for people with disabilities
A general introduction to the services provided by the Health Service Executive (HSE) for people with disabilities.
- Overview of mental health and mental illness
An overview of the mental health category including links to documents on mental health services, community care, and the Mental Health Act 2001.
- Healthcare services in Ireland
Outlines the healthcare services available in Ireland. Covers GPs (family doctors), fees for accessing healthcare services, prescription medication, pharmacies, health centers, and both in-patient and out-patient hospital services.
- Social insurance
Social insurance contributions entitle you to a range of benefits administered by the Department of Social Protection.
- Social welfare system in Ireland
What is the social welfare system in Ireland? How is it organised and who can apply for social welfare benefits? This page gives an overview of the system and includes links to more information.
- Benefits for people who are sick or have a disability
An overview of benefits available to people who are sick or have a disability
- Payments to carers
Find out about the different payments and benefits for carers.
- Payments to families and children
Gives a short description of the social welfare benefits available to families and children.
- Benefits and entitlements following a death
An overview of the different social welfare benefits available when someone dies.
- Back to Education Programme
This Programme can support you to take part in educational and personal development courses to help you to access employment.
- Extra social welfare benefits
Information about the extra benefits that may be available to certain people getting a social welfare payment.
- Overview of the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme
Describes the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme including the basic payment and supplements under the scheme.
- Leave for parents
Overview of the different types of statutory leave entitlements available for working parents.
- Equality in the workplace
Employment equality legisation makes discrimination illegal in certain employment-related areas.
- Overview of employment rights enforcement
Summary of the organisations that help employees to enforce their employment rights.
- Pathways to work - schemes and initiatives
Overview of the employment schemes and other supports which encourage people getting unemployment and certain other social welfare payments to take up employment.
- Introduction to income tax credits and reliefs
Tax reliefs reduce the amount of tax that you have to pay. Find out about the different types of income tax relief that apply to your circumstances.
- Personal insolvency options
There are 3 debt resolution procedures to help people with unsustainable debt to reach agreements with their creditors.
- Overview of problem debt
Debts can easily get out of control. Steps you can take to manage debt problems.
- Borrowing money
Introduction to the different types of loans and how to choose the best loan for your needs.
- Introduction to pensions
Find out about the different types of pensions.
- Returning to Ireland
Whatever your reason for coming home and whatever stage of life you are at, we have the information you need to start a life in Ireland again.
- Planning your journey home to Ireland
This page has information to consider when planning your journey home to Ireland.
- Finding somewhere to live when you return to Ireland
This page has information on how to find accommodation when you return to Ireland.
- Returning home to Ireland to retire
This page has information on housing, social welfare, pensions, work and tax for returning Irish emigrants who want to retire in Ireland.
- Social welfare payments for returning Irish emigrants
Explains who can get a social welfare payment when returning to Ireland and how to apply.
- Health services when you return to Ireland
Find out how to access the Irish healthcare system as a returning Irish emigrant.
- Returning to Ireland with children
Outlines the supports and services you may need to know about when returning home to Ireland with children. Covers employment rights, supports for people parenting alone and caring for a child with a disability.
- Accessing education when you return to Ireland
This page includes information on accessing education when you return to Ireland. It covers free pre-school education, enrolling in primary or secondary school, third level fees, the student grant and more.
- Working in Ireland after living abroad
This page includes the key things to consider if you plan to work when you return to Ireland. It covers finding a job, your employment rights and the taxes you have to pay.
- Starting a business when you return to Ireland
Overview of information to help you start a business when you return to Ireland.
- Managing your money when you return to Ireland
This page has information on organising your finances when you return to Ireland, including transfer of pensions and social insurance and benefits from abroad.
- Getting around when you return to Ireland
This page has information on how to get around when you return to Ireland, including public transport services, taxis, car rental, driving licences, tram services and more.
- Looking for a flat or house to rent
Information for people looking for somewhere to rent: what questions to ask and information on your rights.
- Steps involved in buying a home
This document looks at what you need to consider before buying a property and the processes involved.
- Vacant homes
Information on vacant homes in Ireland, what happens when a house is left vacant and schemes available for fixing vacant properties.
- Overview of the Irish education system
The Irish education system is made up of first, second and third-level education and of further education. Almost all education is funded by the State.
- Your childcare options
Describes the different types of child care available including creches, childminders, pre-schools.
- Special educational needs
This page describes the special arrangements for the education of children with special educational needs.
- Irish passports - an overview
Who can apply for an Irish passport? Where can Irish passport holders travel? Our overview document answers your questions.
- Cycling in Ireland
This is an overview page on cycling. It includes information on bike sharing schemes, Greenway trails and taking your bike on public transport.
- Being a farmer
An overview of some of the key information around farming in Ireland including starting out in farming, grants and supports and retiring from farming.
- When someone dies unexpectedly
An overview of what happens when someone dies as a result of an accident or in unexplained circumstances.
- Money matters after a death
Overview of issues such as social welfare entitlements, tax and other money matters that may need to be addressed when someone dies.
- Benefits and entitlements relating to birth and children
There is a range of benefits and entitlements to support women who are having a baby. This document gives a general overview of these supports.
- Parenting alone
What supports are available for you if you are parenting alone? What are the legal issues associated with parenting alone?
- Breakdown of a marriage or other relationship
The breakdown of a marriage or other relationship is a difficult and traumatic process. This page outlines the issues that may arise.
- Courts
An outline of the courts and the offices that support them.
- Evidence - overview
Overview of the various types of evidence that can be introduced in a civil or criminal trial in Ireland.
- Legal terms explained
This page explains some of the terms that are used in legal proceedings.
- Overview of EU institutions
The EU has 7 main institutions, and the role of each one is set out in the treaties. This document outlines the different institutions and explains how they interact.
- EU law
EU law comes from the treaties agreed between member states. But some EU institutions have the power to make laws also. Read how EU laws are made, and how they have affected life in Ireland.
- Overview of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
This document outlines the main elements of the GDPR and links to further information about it.